drive wireless systems
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- Little tip, Morty. Never clean DNA vials with your spit.
- Dong zhu! Buxu zou!
- Obviously, you're not a golfer
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I'm the devil. What should I do when I fail? Give myself an ice cream?
Look, you can’t design your life like a building. It doesn’t work that way. You just have to live it… and it’ll design itself.
I've hired you to help me start a war. It's an prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition.
The rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they exist.
Chuck Norris can use GOTO as much as he wants to. Telling him otherwise is considered harmful.
Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.
No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero.
When we understand the events that occur to us, the events become history. History is understanding. Otherwise we are all just dumb animals trying to get in out of the cold.